(Articles and book can be printed for your own personal copy, or for others, but please don't charge or take credit for authorship.)
OUR FIRST BOOK (Released April 03, 2021)
No Greater Truth In Love
(Check out the topical index to focus on your area of interest.)
CHAPTER 1: Priceless Truth vs. Strong Delusion
CHAPTER 2: The Supernatural & the Cosmic Battle
CHAPTER 3: Religion & Lies vs. Relationship in Truth
CHAPTER 4: The Dark Side of the Supernatural
CHAPTER 5: The Bible & Prophecy Prove God Exists
CHAPTER 6: The Shocking Impact of the Paranormal & Prophecy
CHAPTER 7: Scientific Evidence for God
CHAPTER 7: Scientific Evidence for God (video part 1) (video part 2)
CHAPTER 8: Who is the True and Loving God Who Saves?
CHAPTER 9: Surrendering to Jesus’ Lordship Brings Eternal Life and Power
CHAPTER 10: Preparing for Jesus’ Soon Return
CHAPTER 11: The Flood of Evil Overtaking Humanity
CHAPTER 12: Overcoming in Light of Jesus’ Soon Return
CHAPTER 13: Speaking the Truth in Love in an Age of Compromise
CHAPTER 14: Truth vs. the Error of Tradition
CHAPTER 15: Overcoming Fear & Finishing Strong
(Articles and book can be printed for your own personal copy, or for others, but please don't charge or take credit for authorship.)
OUR FIRST BOOK (Released April 03, 2021)
No Greater Truth In Love
(Check out the topical index to focus on your area of interest.)
CHAPTER 1: Priceless Truth vs. Strong Delusion
CHAPTER 2: The Supernatural & the Cosmic Battle
CHAPTER 3: Religion & Lies vs. Relationship in Truth
CHAPTER 4: The Dark Side of the Supernatural
CHAPTER 5: The Bible & Prophecy Prove God Exists
CHAPTER 6: The Shocking Impact of the Paranormal & Prophecy
CHAPTER 7: Scientific Evidence for God
CHAPTER 7: Scientific Evidence for God (video part 1) (video part 2)
CHAPTER 8: Who is the True and Loving God Who Saves?
CHAPTER 9: Surrendering to Jesus’ Lordship Brings Eternal Life and Power
CHAPTER 10: Preparing for Jesus’ Soon Return
CHAPTER 11: The Flood of Evil Overtaking Humanity
CHAPTER 12: Overcoming in Light of Jesus’ Soon Return
CHAPTER 13: Speaking the Truth in Love in an Age of Compromise
CHAPTER 14: Truth vs. the Error of Tradition
CHAPTER 15: Overcoming Fear & Finishing Strong