At Oasis, we know how to have good fellowship. See pics below from 2024. Join us for a future event.
Day 7 of Hanukkah, and New Year's Eve Celebration.
7th day of Hanukkah - Revelation 1:10-18; Revelation 21:22-25; Psalm 91 and 103 - Jesus is the Light; there will be no sun, read about IT!!
Happy New Year's Eve! - with the best dressed cat in the History of Mankind.
A special someone's birthday was celebrated - it was a surprise, can you guess who??
Happy New Year's Eve! - with the best dressed cat in the History of Mankind.
A special someone's birthday was celebrated - it was a surprise, can you guess who??
Day 5 of Hanukkah
Judy's Birthday
Pastor Michael and Debra's 42nd wedding anniversary - Really??
5th Day of Hanukkah, Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel - Isaiah 42:1-7; Isaiah 49:1-6; John 1:9-12; Psalm 27 - Jesus as the suffering Messiah, the Servant
Judy's birthday - Blessings and a wonderful year to Judy
Pastor Michael and Debra's 42nd wedding anniversary. May God continue to bless you all - a three strand cord is not easily broken!
Judy's birthday - Blessings and a wonderful year to Judy
Pastor Michael and Debra's 42nd wedding anniversary. May God continue to bless you all - a three strand cord is not easily broken!
Oasis observed Hanukkah. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish festival that celebrates the miracle of the oil lasting eight days in the rededicated Second Temple in Jerusalem. It is a time for family gatherings, lighting the menorah, and enjoying traditional foods like latkes and sufganiyot. The festival also marks the triumph of light over darkness and freedom over oppression. Hanukkah is a time to celebrate the Light of Jesus coming to earth in the miraculous conception.
Iris's Big 80th
The Oasis family joined for a triumphant birthday for Iris's 80th birthday.
Black HawkWay
We had a great time sharing items from Cityserve, as well as Tanukhs, Bibles and the Love of Jesus to all; stay tuned for the next giveaway.
Happy Birthday Michael!
In September, look who's 25, could it be Michael's birthday?
"The Forge"
A great outing to "The Forge" at Colossus Theatre, Vaughan. All were challenged on the importance of discipleship in Jesus.
Cris & Samuel's birthday celebrations
Some of the Oasis family gathered in July to celebrate Cris's birthday (June) and Samuel's birthday (July).
Happy birthday and may it be the best year yet Samuel and Cris!
Happy birthday and may it be the best year yet Samuel and Cris!
Debra's retirement
Sister Debra retired in June after 23 years at UPS. To celebrate all her hard work, the LeClairs hosted a gathering at their place. Full of fun-filled memories and goodies. They thank everyone who came. We also wish Sister Debra the best as she works in full time ministry alongside her husband Michael.
Passover meal 2024
The Oasis family gathered at the LeClairs to partake in a lovely Passover meal.